4 fire craft ideas you must have seen

As a child, we are taught not to play with fire. But there are a few things that you (as an adult) should definitely try. If you love arts and crafts and want to try something new, you should take a look at the following 4 tips. With matches, lemon juice, alcohol ink and fire, you can let off steam artistically.

1. Burning images

In the workshop :

  • Baking sheet
  • Aluminum foil
  • Photo frame with glass
  • Gloves
  • Alcohol ink
  • Alcohol
  • Lighter

At work !

1.1 Spread aluminum foil on a baking sheet. Take the glass out of the frame and place it on the aluminum.

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1.2 Put on rubber gloves and sprinkle the glass with alcohol-colored ink.

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1.3 Then pour alcohol on the paint and let everything flow together by moving the glass back and forth. Then light the glass with a lighter. Put the glass back in the frame and your photo is ready.

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2. Flowers in matches

In the workshop :

At work !

2.1 Glue a few matches on a small piece of cardboard, as shown below.

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2.2 Cut them in the middle. Repeat this procedure seven times.

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2.3 Arrange the cut matches in a circle and place a small circle of cardboard in the middle.

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2.4 Cut off the ends of other matches and glue them to the cardboard circle.

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2.5 Now glue all the individual parts together to form a flower. Glue this flower on a skewer and put your work in a small pot with stones. You can now light the flower and watch it “transform” in seconds.

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3. Drawings with lemon and a candle

In the workshop :

  • Lemon
  • Brush
  • Paper
  • Candle

At work !

3.1 Squeeze the juice of one lemon into a glass and use this juice to paint a picture of your choice on white paper.

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3.2 Then pass the paper over a lit candle and, as if by magic, the drawing suddenly becomes visible.

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4. Burning love frame

In the workshop :

  • Photo frame
  • Paper
  • Glue
  • Pen
  • Matches

At work !

4.1 Glue a sheet of white paper on the back of the frame.

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4.2 Write the word “Love” on the sheet.

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4.3 Now glue the matches vertically in the outline of the letters.

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4.4 Place the frame around the artwork. The highlight of the artwork is of course when it is set on fire!

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In the video you can see other works of art. For example, the star map of the day you were born. It’s beautiful !

Did you know that you can make a very charming lamp from empty plastic bottles that looks like a little fairy castle?

Here you will find another large homemade lamp that looks like a luminous cloud.

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