20 examples of completely messed up wedding cakes

Marriage is often described as the happiest day in the life of some people. It’s THE day when everything must be perfect: the place of the party, the decoration, the wedding dress and finally the
cake ! For many guests, the cake is one of the most important things at a wedding reception.

Its design is usually planned over a long period and the latter is often prepared by a professional. The person in charge must then implement the very personal ideas of the bride and groom. However, misunderstandings, differences of opinion or misses can arise.

In this article, you will see 20 totally failed wedding cakes that people have shared on the internet. It only remains to hope that they taste better than they look.

1. “He’s not pretty, but how funny is he!”

Spot on cake at the wedding I was at today. from r / funny

2. It was the (un) staged wedding piece!


3. “What we wanted versus what we got.”

Grooms cake disaster, what we wanted vs. what we got from r / ExpectationVsReality

4. “We wanted something original for our wedding cake. I look like a pregnant sumotori.”

We wanted to create something beautiful for our wedding cake. I turned out to be a pregnant sumo wrestler. from r / ExpectationVsReality

5. A little messy all this.


6. “My sister’s ‘golden’ wedding cake.”

The “gold” cake at my sisters wedding last night. from r / shittyfoodporn

7. The idea was beautiful, however …

8. “What I wanted versus what I got and paid $ 135 for this carnage.”

What I ordered vs. what was delivered. I paid $ 135 for this mess … from r / ExpectationVsReality

9. “Fortunately, they agreed to reimburse me.”

What I wanted VS what was delivered … yes I got a full refund. from r / weddingplanning

10. “This is what my life would be if it were a cake.”

11. Huge disappointment.

12. The class embodied in a cake.

Pure class in wedding cake form from r / trashy

13. A horrible sight.


14. Nobody wants to taste it!


15. “A Facebook friend’s ‘crappy’ wedding cake. WTF?”

A Facebook friend’s “shitty” wedding cake WTF! from r / shittyfoodporn

16. It’s not catastrophic, but it’s still not what we expected.

17. This is a bit too much, even for real sushi fans.


18. Is that what we think we see?


19. There is hardly anything going there!


20. The spelling error is small, but it matters. The lettering was supposed to read “Marriage” instead of “Weeding” …


How could professionals dare to deliver such massacres? If there is one cake that should not be missed, it is the wedding cake. One thing is certain, the “victims” will remember this mishap for a long time and in a few years, they will laugh about it. In any case, we will have laughed a lot. As we say the misfortune of some makes the happiness of others, is not it?

Come on, a little optimism, marriage can be good:

Cover image: ©reddit / inapproprievan

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