3 DIY Flower Pots

Over the last few years, succulents have become the preeminent indoor plant. There are always a few of them scattered around people’s apartments, and trendy coffee shops everywhere now can’t function without a bunch of everyone’s favorite little green friends. And there’s a pretty simple reason why they’re so popular: succulents don’t need much water. In fact, they store water in their leaves, stems, and roots, making it possible for them to survive long dry spells without problems. And because they’re so low maintenance, they’re perfect for people with no to little experience with plants. So if you want to do right by your succulents and display them in unique and stunning ways, you should definitely check out these 3 easy DIY flower pots!

1. Cement Flower Pot

You’ll Need:

  • water
  • cement
  • balloons
  • soil
  • succulents

Here’s How:

1.1 Mix cement with water and spread it over an inflated balloon, making sure you don’t cover the bottom part of the balloon. Wait for the cement to dry, then pop the balloon with a pair of scissors and remove it from the cement mold.

1.2 Put soil in the cement flower pot and plant a succulent in it.

2. Wooden Succulent Box

You’ll Need:

  • flat wooden crate
  • chicken wire
  • stapler
  • wood glue
  • picture frame
  • paint
  • soil
  • succulents

Here’s How:

2.1 Use a stapler to fix chicken wire to a flat wooden crate, then use wood glue to attach a picture frame to the crate.

2.2 Fill the flat crate with soil. Carefully push the succulents through the chicken wire and plant them in the wooden succulent box.

3. Succulent Sculpture

You’ll Need:

  • molding powder
  • plaster
  • water
  • soil
  • succulents

Here’s How:

3.1 Mix molding powder with water in a large bucket. Form your hands into a holding position, stick them in the molding mass, and wait about 5 minutes until the mass has hardened.

3.2 Now mix plaster with water and pour it in the hole in the molding mass. Allow the plaster to harden for 24 hours.

3.3 Remove the molding mass from the plaster hands, then fill with soil and plant a succulent in the sculpture.

TIP: If you want your succulents to stay in their new homemade flower pots for a long time, you should carefully drill a few holes in the bottom of each flower pot to prevent waterlogging. Alternatively, you could also cover the bottom of the flower pots with a layer of sand or pebbles before adding the soil.

Are these not the cutest flower pots you’ve ever seen? Surprise your friends and show them that your thumb is not only green enough to take care of succulents, but you can also make your own DIY flower pots! They really help tie a room together, so don’t hesitate to give one of these pots a shot!

Get the instructions for the Flower Crafts, Flower Pot Minions, Jeans Upcycling Ideas, and Vertical Herb Garden featured in the bonus video.

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