Our 38 Best Home Decoration Ideas

DIY, arts and crafts, home decorations: these are all things that have been around much longer than the internet. There’s nothing better than making your space feel like home, decorating it to your taste, and adding small touches to make it feel uniquely yours. And there’s no easier way to create unique home decorations than by making them yourself. But where to start? We’ve compiled our 38 best home decoration ideas for you to choose from. From Lego crafts to cement decorations all the way to awesome vinyl hacks, we’ve got everything you’ll need to jazz up your place!

1. – 3. Fall Leaf Decorations

As the days become grayer, shorter, and colder, you have to start looking for ways to spend time indoors instead of outside. Arts and crafts and DIY projects are a great way to make the most of your free afternoons, especially during the fall and winter months which offer plenty of natural crafting materials. With all the autumn foliage littering the parks and streets, it would be crazy not to take advantage of the plentiful opportunities they present, so go ahead and get raking! Get the instructions for the 3 Fall Leaf Decorations.

4. – 7. Lego Decorations

Lego is one of the world’s most iconic toys, and it’s not just for kids! Adults can enjoy playing with the colorful bricks, too, and the Danish company now caters to so many different groups that there’s sure to be something for everyone. Whether it’s Harry Potter, Star Wars, Ghostbusters, or The Avengers, fans from all different corners of pop culture can get their money’s worth. But if you still have Legos from back in the day, check out these crafty ways to reuse old Legos! Get the instructions for the 4 Lego Decorations.

8. – 11. Cement Decorations

Cement doesn’t just hold the walls of your house together! When it comes to crafting, it has a range of eclectic uses, starting with these 4 beautiful decorating ideas for your home. So that you can avoid troublesome scrubbing afterwards, we recommend always wearing gloves while working with cement. Then nothing can stand in the way of your joyful creativity. Have fun crafting! Get the instructions for the 4 Cement Decorations.

12. – 14. Artificial Flower Decorations

Artificial flowers are a great alternative to real flowers – they last longer and cost quite a bit less! But if you’re of the mindset that artificial flowers are a waste of time, or if you think they require a much more advanced DIY spirit than you currently possess to make use of them, these 3 tricks are sure to change your mind. Your family and friends will especially love their new homemade gifts! Get the instructions for the 3 Artificial Flower Decorations.

15. – 17. Cork Decorations

If you and your friends are the kind of people who enjoy a bottle of wine from time to time and love DIY projects, then these are the home deco crafts for you! Plus, you’ll finally be able to make use of all the empties you have lying around – talk about a win-win situation! Go ahead and show off your corky side with these fun arts and crafts projects, and your house guests will love the added cozy touch! Get the instructions for the 3 Cork Decorations.

18. – 21. Branch Decorations

When a stiff breeze picks up and starts to shake the trees all over the place, it’s time to get inside! But before you retreat to the warmth of your home, you should pick up a few fallen branches and twigs first – there’s a whole host of ideas you can try for adding a rustic touch to your living room. Make yourself a nice cup of tea and get to work! Get the instructions for the 4 Branch Decorations.

22. – 25. Vinyl Record Decorations

Before the invention of music streaming and CDs, the record player was the best way to play all of your favorite tunes. Afterearing into obscurity, some vinyl records have recently regained a fair amount of popularity as highly disappearing-after collectors’ items. But if you happen to find any old records lying around in your grandparents’ basement that have been rendered useless due to damage, we recommend transforming them into some pretty cool decorative items for around the house! Get the instructions for the 4 Vinyl Record Decorations.

26. – 31. Picture Frame Decorations

Who says picture frames are just for pictures? Not us! Picture frames of every size and shape can be found in the homes of most people, but if you’re only using them to actually frame photos, then you’re not realizing their true potential. Here are some picture-perfect ways to turn ordinary picture frames into so much more! Get the instructions for the 6 Picture Frame Decorations.

32. – 35. DIY Cement Decorations

What do you do with the container after you finish a delicious cup of yogurt? You probably just toss it in the trash, but wait – there’s so much more you can do with it! A yogurt container, or any other cylindrical container for that matter, has so many possibilities when it comes to arts and crafts or DIY projects. Here are some clever ideas with cement to get you started! Get the instructions for the 4 DIY Cement Decorations.

36. – 38. Concrete Decorations

Many people view their beloved garden as an extra living room, only out in the fresh air of course! That’s why it’s important for hobby gardeners to adorn their green oasis with the right decor. Because everyone knows it’s more fun to make the decorations yourself, today’s superb selection uses concrete in various creative ways that are guaranteed to give your neighbors serious yard envy! Get the instructions for the 3 Concrete Decorations.

Some of these pieces aren’t just nice to look at, they’re also extremely useful! But whichever one of these home decoration ideas you choose to tackle first, one thing’s for sure: you’re going to end up with something truly one-of-a-kind. Do yourself a favor and try these craft ideas!

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