10 household problems solved with lavender

The benefits of lavender are no longer a secret. Whether you use fresh or dried lavender flowers (for example, for moths), or essential oil (for example, to combat insomnia or ear infections), lavender is a must have at home. Here is a list of the household problems that you can thwart with.

And here are some other natural home remedies and tips to take care of yourself and / or your interior. (You can scroll through the videos in the playlist or choose the one you want to watch yourself).

French Lavender ...

1) Protection against moths

If you want to get rid of moths or prevent their occurrence, all you have to do is put a bag of lavender flowers in your cupboards (in the bedroom and kitchen). Moreover, other scents also help fight against moths, for example those of cedar wood or laurel. Here are 8 more ways to get rid of pests.

Lavender scented pouch tutorial

2) Against bad garbage odors

When the trash smells bad, lavender can not only cover up the unpleasant smell, but it also works effectively against the proliferation of flies and maggots. Here are 6 practical tips to fight against smelly garbage cans.


3) Against swollen feet

As lavender stimulates blood circulation, it is highly recommended for soothing swollen feet. Massage your feet with lavender oil or lavender balm, for example, and you’re done.

Prepare lavender oil yourself:

If you want to make your own lavender oil, you have to arm yourself with a little patience. First, put 1 tablespoon of grated lavender flowers in a glass and add 200 ml of a neutral oil (eg almond oil). The mixture should stand for 4-6 weeks in a warm, bright place. Then pass it through a fine sieve to separate the flowers and oil. Store the finished oil in a cool place away from light (amber glass bottles are fine) and use it within 6 months.

My swollen feet

4) Against ear problems

With its anti-inflammatory and relaxing effects, lavender oil can be used for both earaches and tinnitus. In case of pain, just put a drop of lavender oil on a cotton ball and place it directly in the ear (without pushing it too deep). For tinnitus, apply a few drops around the ear on the skin. If you suffer from tinnitus, read our article on the 11 home remedies for tinnitus.

Left ear, this summer, pre-stretching

5) To relax

Add lavender to your bath to fully relax. It is also very useful in case of hypotension, as lavender boosts blood circulation.

homemade chamomile & lavender milk bath

6) Against sleep disorders

If a relaxing bath isn’t enough to ease your sleep, try lavender infusion. This infusion is also suitable for colds and coughs as well as stomach aches. You can find out which other herbs work wonders for ailments ranging from digestive issues to stress in our article on healthy plants instead of drugs and food supplements.

Lavender Tea

7) Against headaches

Lavender oil is also effective against headaches. Just massage the temples with lavender oil or place a lavender soaked cloth on your forehead.


8) For insect bites

Lavender oil soothes the skin in case of insect bites.

swollen legs / feet

9) Against dust mites on the mattress

A mixture of baking powder and lavender oil helps fight mites. Just apply the mixture evenly to the mattress, leave it on for an hour, then vacuum everything up.

Blue Bed in the Attic

10) To protect plants

In the garden, lavender is ideal for repelling aphids. Put 10 drops of lavender oil and 1 drop of dish soap in a liter of water before spraying the mixture on your plants. Besides, lavender is also effective against ants and mice.


In addition to all the benefits of lavender that have already been mentioned, there is one more: Lavender is also ideal as a gift, for example in the form of homemade soaps, bath additives or cookies.

Cover images: © flickr / Dave Photography … © flickr / Emma Campbell

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