6 Colorful Experiments For Kids Of All Ages

Do you want to instill a sense of wonder in your kids, or simply teach them a little something about physics in a fun and playful way? Then you’ve most definitely come to the right place! These colorful experiments are perfect for kids of all ages and will leave everyone who witnesses them gasping in amazement. We’re going to show you how to use everyday items like coffee filters, paper towels, and shaving cream to produce amazing effects and conduct spectacular experiments. It’s fun for the whole family!

1. Coffee Filter Rainbow

You’ll Need:

  • coffee filter
  • felt pens
  • water

Here’s How:

1.1 Cut a coffee filter into the shape of a rainbow and use felt pens to draw squares in the typical colors of the rainbow on both ends of the arch.

1.2 Pour some water onto a plate and stick both ends of the arch into the water. Watch as all the colors move up through the coffee filter to form a rainbow!

Coffee Filter Rainbow

2. Weight Distribution Experiment

You’ll Need:

  • 3 paper cups
  • 3 wooden skewers
  • 1 glass of water

Here’s How:

2.1 Putting a glass on thin wooden skewers and then filling it with water? “Impossible!” you might say. But it’s very possible! Put 3 paper cups upside down in a triangle and place wooden skewers on top as shown in the video.

2.2 Now place a glass on the wooden skewers and fill it with water. While your kids are probably sitting on pins and needles trying to figure out what’s going to happen, you get to sit back and relax, safe in the knowledge that the weight distribution provides stability. You won’t have to wipe up a single drop!

Weight Distribution Experiment

3. Wandering Water

You’ll Need:

  • 7 clear plastic cups
  • food coloring
  • paper towels

Here’s How:

3.1 Fill 4 plastic cups half-full with water and mix the water with a different color in each of the 4 cups. Place the remaining 3 cups in front of the spaces between the already filled cups and connect them all with paper towels. Now watch in amazement as the water moves from one cup to the next through the paper towels. Even the colors start to mix!

Wandering Water

4. Lava Lamp Glass

You’ll Need:

  • 1 glass of water
  • shaving cream
  • food coloring

Here’s How:

4.1 This is a really cool one, ladies and gentlemen! All you need to do bring this lava lamp water effect to life is fill a glass with water, spray shaving cream on the surface of the water, and drip different food coloring on the foam. A few seconds later, you’ll be able to admire a psychedelic color spectacle. Far out!

Lava Lamp Glass

5. Colorful Volcano

You’ll Need:

  • plastic cups
  • baking soda
  • food coloring
  • vinegar

Here’s How:

5.1 Fill plastic cups half-full with baking soda and put half a teaspoon of food coloring in each cup. Pour vinegar into the cups and prepare to be amazed by the colorful, lava-spewing volcanoes!

Colorful Volcano

6. Freeze Water Instantly

You’ll Need:

  • plastic bottle
  • water
  • food coloring

Here’s How:

6.1 Pour water into a bottle and color it with food coloring for better visualization, then put the bottle in the freezer for 1 hour. Now the water is really cold, but not frozen. But you can change that by hitting the table with the bottle, which makes the water freeze immediately!

Freeze Water Instantly

It’s always fascinating to see what great effects can be achieved with very simple means – it’s inspiring for kids and grown-up kids alike! Have a blast!

Get the instructions for the Kitchen Experiments, Magical Science Experiments, and Wild Science Experiments featured in the bonus video.

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