9 baby products savvy parents wouldn't buy

New parents face new challenges that can seem overwhelming at first. They need to learn a lot to give their babies the best possible start in life. The right equipment is also important, but you have to be especially careful with some products. Because even if they are intended for babies, they are not necessarily suitable for them. This is the case with the following 9 baby products that experts recommend using with caution.

Ideas for the whole family. (The article can be found below the video.)

1. Bed with anti-fall barrier

Babies sleep on average about 16 hours a day. It is therefore necessary that their bed be safe. On the other hand, a bed where the barrier moves up and down is not really suitable. This is because the barrier can slide off the rails, thus creating a space between the barrier and the mattress. This can cause injury, as the baby may slip in between. It is therefore preferable to avoid such a model. Seasoned parents therefore prefer classic beds without barriers. In Finland we prefer to put babies to sleep in a box.

Geoffrey asleep in his Crib

2. Bed surround

The bars on the bed can be quite hard. No wonder new parents equip them with a soft bed frame to protect their children’s little heads. However, experts warn against them because they increase the risk of suffocation. Even breathable fabrics can cover little one’s face without noticing it, and in the worst case, it can lead to a lack of oxygen and life-threatening respiratory interruptions. It is therefore preferable to do without it, even if it is more comfortable.

Funky Babies Unite!

3. Inclined cradle

If your child does not sleep in a bed, but in a cradle, you should make sure that it is flat and straight. The tilted cradles not only cause poor posture for the child, but also increase the risk of suffocation if the child is lying on his stomach.

getting bigger

4. Baby blanket

Anything that can cover the child’s face has no place in the cradle. This includes baby blankets and pillows. Besides the fact that they are a danger to the baby, they are simply unnecessary. Babies sleep best in safe sleeping bags, and not having a blanket or pillow will disturb their sleep. It is worth considering a purchase from the age of two, because from that point on, children are able to remove the blanket and pillow from their face on their own.

Peaking out over the blanket

5. Baby sling

The large selection of baby slings can be intimidating for new parents. All manufacturers are committed to providing everything your baby needs. But keep in mind that slings that go over one shoulder can pose a choking hazard. This is because babies cannot stretch inside, so their chin is pressed to the chest obstructing the airways. The situation is different with the scarves which are worn over both shoulders. These represent a much better alternative.

Baby sling

6. Yupala

When a child begins to crawl or take their first steps, the joy is immense. Many parents want to support this process with a baby walker. However, there is a reason why these aids, which are believed to be practical, are prohibited in countries like Canada. They force children to stand up and walk even if their muscles are not ready for it. Doctors recommend that children learn to walk on their own and take as much time as possible to complete this phase of their development.

evander in walker

7. Bathtub seat

Bathtub seats are a good idea on their own, but they give a false sense of security. One in three drowning deaths in children under the age of two is caused by these bath seats, as parents believe they can leave their children unattended for a short time. But during this time, the little ones can slip out of the seat and dip their heads under the water. If you want to use a bathtub seat, don’t let the feeling of security fool you and watch your child at all times!


8. Buoys

Swimming is a great exercise for toddlers. To protect them from drowning, many parents use armbands and other buoys. However, they prevent children from making active movements in the water and can only swim passively on the surface. In the worst case, the buoy can lose air or overturn and drag the child underwater. It is preferable to practice swimming without a buoy and with permanent supervision.

Pool Fun-2006

9. Humidifier

Newborns are particularly susceptible to respiratory diseases transmitted by airborne pathogens. In dry air, the pollutants present in the room increase enormously, which promotes coughing and bronchitis. It is therefore advisable to place a humidifier to ensure a healthy indoor climate. However, you need to make sure that no dirty water particles get back into the air. You should therefore clean the humidifier regularly and carefully.

Humidify Action

Of course, your baby will not immediately suffer the negative consequences caused by these products. But as we all know, prevention is better than cure. Therefore, it can’t hurt to know the risks of the presented baby products in order to minimize them.

Here you will find other articles for new parents:

Cover image: © flickr / Elsie Escobar

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